
Alumni in Residence


AIL Ping-Pong #1: Liquidity

Open Studio: Verena Tscherner

AD LIB. experimental music settings

Choreo-graphic Figures

Alumni in Residence: HALL presents soft fizz

On View: Supersachen

Exhibition View: Toxic Temple

Alumni in Residence: What’s inside a Girl?

May I introduce: Alien!

Alumni in Residence: Die großen Ferien

Exhibition View: Print Weekend III

Since it’s beginning one of AIL’s aim is to foster connections beyond the University’s structure and therefore support Alumni of the University of Applied Arts Vienna. With the new ‘AIL Residency Program’, starting 2025, the AIL promotes and makes visible the artistic work and interdisciplinary research of alumni of the University of Applied Arts outside the traditional exhibition scene. Find here current Open Calls, activities and insights into past projects.

alumni in residence

Opening: 20 Mar 2025, 13:00

Running: 20 Mar 2025 – 30 Jul 2025

AIL Ping-Pong #1: Liquidity

Manuel Cyrill Bachinger, Bartosz Dolhun, Annika Eschmann, Karina Fernandez, Miloš Vučićević

Drawing on the history of the ‘Postsparkasse’ as a former bank, AIL invited five artists to engage with a concept known for its economic context.

While primarily an economic term, ‘liquidity’ can be interpreted in various ways and across many contexts – from reflections on fluidity and adaptability to explorations of the shifting nature of social structures, relationships, or identities, as well as interpretations of transactions and value.

Presented in the small vitrine of the Otto Wagner Postsparkasse five graduates of the University of Applied Arts Vienna open a window into the diverse artistic practices and languages of Angewandte alumni, offering a range of perspectives that explore parallels, contrasts, or extensions within the given thematic framework.

In his work Manuel Cyrill Bachinger deals with auditory and visual forms of expression and often with transformative processes that manifest themselves in experimental and installation-based ways. In doing so, our perception and understanding of phenomena and technologies are challenged and encouraged to reflect on our interaction with them. Manuel Cyrill Bachinger is alumni of the department of Digital Art and graduated in 2024.

Bartosz Dolhun graduated 2016 in Drawing and Printmaking, and now focuses on object-oriented work. His sculptures combine materials, especially wood, starting with found objects and developing intuitively. His work emphasizes processes, using diverse techniques. The use of 'low-cost' materials contrasts their value with craftsmanship. This focus on process extends to his installative works, where the production journey becomes integral.

Annika Eschmann studied Transdisciplinary Arts and Drawing & Printmaking at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and graduated in 2020; and also studied Contemporary Art Practices at the Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology in Bangalore. Annika’s artistic practice is rooted in drawing and printmaking, exploring processes of translation and abstraction in images. It investigates their influence, limitations, and potential as well as the meanings generated and transformed through these reproductive processes.

Karina Fernandez holds a Master’s degrees in Fine Arts and Visual Arts (UNA, Buenos Aires), and graduated at the department of Digital Art in 2023. Born in Buenos Aires, she lives and works in Vienna today. Her transdisciplinary practice addresses global issues such as environmental degradation and consumerism, operating at the verge of bio and multimedia art through site-specific, kinetic, and interactive works. Her installations feature plants, fibers, light, water, sound, bioplastics, motors, and microcomputers. 

Miloš Vučićević is an artist and researcher whose work explores the intricate intersections of ecology and migration. With a passion for understanding the delicate balance between human movement and environmental change, and its impact on people, he delves into the stories and experiences that shape his own perspective and the world he documents. Most of his interests are associated with the political and social paradigms that exist in society, where he endeavours to express his ideas through performative, object-oriented, and video-based works. Miloš Vučićević graduated at the department of Art&Science in 2023.

A project by AIL, supported by ARTist.

Concept and production:
Nora Mayr, Eva Weber (AIL)

Elisabeth Falkensteiner, Nora Mayr, Eva Weber (AIL)

alumni in residence

25 Jan 2025, 11:00

Open Studio: Verena Tscherner

Verena Tscherner is alumni of the department of Digital Arts and will work at AIL from 10 Jan till 7 Feb 2025. Verena opens her temporary studio and shares insights into the work progress.

Please note the current open call for two more Residency slots. Deadline 25 Jan 2025

Born in Tyrol, Verena Tscherner came to Vienna shortly after graduating from high school. She studied at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna (MDW), where she graduated in 2014. Afterwards she studied at the Friedl Kubelka School, School for Artistic Photography in Vienna, which she graduated in 2019 with a diploma. Then she studied digital art  with Univ.-Prof. Ruth Schnell and UBERMORGEN at the University of Applied Arts, Vienna, and graduated in June 2024. She lives and works as a freelance artist in Vienna.

During her residency at AIL Verena Tscherner will produce a new installation for her upcoming exhibition at Frau* schafft Raum. She will experiment with different breathing patterns of the deflateables. At the same time Tscherner will further work with directional speakers and wants to try different texts, voices, atmospherical sounds and music to see how these sounds may alter the room they are placed in. She will also have her first deflateable inhale deflate set up at her temporary studio at AIL. Tscherner is interested to open up a dialogue about contemporary art and how it affects the observer.

Verena Tscherner experiments with the idea of the vacuum as a way to capture a moment, as a delay of decay, as „holding one‘s breath.“ The aspects of air and vacuum are increasingly gaining new, expanded meanings in her artistic process. inhale. deflate marked the beginning of her engagement with the genre of sculpture and spatial installation. In her diploma thesis entangle. deflate she combined 3D-printed objects with a large-scale deflateable and a sound installation. This large-scale deflateable is sculpturally placed in the space. It takes on an organic character as air is repeatedly added or removed from it using a timer. Breathing as a connecting element. The individual breathes, the community breathes. In meditation, people consciously focus on breathing, a process that usually happens unconsciously. The deflateable consciously and unconsciously soothes the breathing of the viewers. A space for relaxed togetherness can emerge, a space for collective consciousness opens. The contents are absorbed emotionally and unconsciously into one‘s awareness, to then continue working in the subconscious, to be reflected upon alone or with others at the right moment. Deflateable, an object is deprived of air to allow it a kind of „exhale.“ As a result, the objects within begin to move, approaching the viewers, only to withdraw again. The sculpture is artificially „brought to life“ in order to connect with the viewer through their own empathy. A cycle of tension (vacuuming) and relaxation (letting go through stopping the vacuuming) emerges, imitating the living in order to turn the viewers‘ gaze inward. The body itself becomes an individual instrument of insight.

Image by © inhale. deflate, Photos: Verena Tscherner
Image by © inhale. deflate, Photos: Verena Tscherner

inhale. deflate is an artwork that explores the depths of human emotions while simultaneously raising the question of how deeply we can empathize with another person‘s perspective. It addresses the issue of social isolation and how to approach it in art, as well as how to convey it to someone who has rarely experienced this feeling. How can we grow together and develop more compassion for one another? Art has the power to communicate emotions in a very direct and

intuitive way, while at the same time doing so in an entirely metaphorical manner. It asks questions and leaves all the answers to the viewer. It is unique, universal, independent, and at the same time individual.

alumni in residence

Opening: 07 Feb 2018, 12:00

Running: 07 Feb 2018 – 27 Feb 2018

AD LIB. experimental music settings

Interdisciplinary experimental setting in the basement for art, music and research by Christoph Hudl

Hosted by ARTist – Alumniverein der Universität für angewandte Kunst

Christoph Hudl in his setting | Image by © Christoph Hudl in his always changing basement setting

In February 2018, AIL’s large basement area will turn into an interdisciplinary experimental setting for art, music and research in the context of AlumNights.

You can be an integral part of this by either being an audience member or active participant at the AD LIB: EVENTS. Based on specific parameters, you can choose your own session settings or register for specific games on the website

People in big space with different music instruments | Image by © Final Open Session

Open Sessions

16 Feb, 19:00
“Darkroom Session”

27 Feb, 19:00

”                               ” 
Setting in progress

Photos: Eva Weber

alumni in residence

Opening: 06 Jul 2016, 12:00

Running: 06 Jul 2016 – 12 Aug 2016

Choreo-graphic Figures

Summer Lab with artist Nikolaus Gansterer, choreographer Mariella Greil and writer Emma Cocker

A cooperation of AIL and ImPulsTanz Festival in the context of the artistic research project Choreo-graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line

performer on floor, sorting materials, holding sheets of paper | Image by ©

In conversation with ‘sputniks’ Alex Arteaga, Lilia Mestre, Christine de Smedt and guests, the lab will reflect on choreo-graphic qualities of translation processes, changes in perception and language forms. Expanding on previous research into forms of notation and ‘radical scores of attention’, the focus of this project will now be on experimental publication formats presented in different lectures, workshops and performances.

In cooperation with AIL and ImPulsTanz Festival, the summer lab will take place in the context of the artistic research project Choreo-graphic Figures: Deviations from the Line by artist Nikolaus Gansterer, choreographer Mariella Greil and writer Emma Cocker.

drawing materials sorted on floor | Image by ©



22 July, 18:00

two special guests of Intensive I will give public lectures at AILab, Vienna. Admission free.

– Dieter Mersch: ‘Figuration/Defiguration. On the dialectics of Choreo-Graphy’

– P. A. Skantze: ‘I’m A Strange Kind of In-Between Thing’

Moderated by Chris Standfest (ImPulsTanz)+


29 July, 18:00

two special guests of Intensive II will give public lectures at AILab, Vienna. Admission free.

– Brandon LaBelle: ‘This Weakness That I Am’

– Alva Noe: ‘Writing Ourselves’

Moderated by Chris Standfest (ImPulsTanz),

in conversation with the team and the guests of Choreo-graphic Figures research project.

The PEEK-research project Choreo-graphic Figures by Emma Cocker, Nikolaus Gansterer and Mariella Greil is supported by the FWF Austrian Science Fund.


2 August, 16:00

Choreo-graphic Figures: Body Diagrams

Comprising performative, discursive and installation based elements, Choreo-graphic Figures: Body Diagrams unfolds as a six- hour durational Radical Score of Attention, where members of the public are invited to come and go, to dwell and linger.

(Nikolaus Gansterer, Mariella Greil, Emma Cocker, Alex Arteaga, Lilia Mestre, Christine de Smedt, Jörg Piringer, Werner Moebius…)

Photo 1: Choreo-graphic Figures
Photo 2: Martina Lajczak


Alumni in Residence: HALL presents soft fizz

Launched in 2020 as part of AIL.alternate during Lockdown 01

Video work by Benjamin Tomasi and Samuel Schaab aka HALL

HALL transfers the concept of their site-specific sound performance for the AIL to a video work. Step by step, the corners of an imaginary space are explored. Sound triggers images and actions generate sounds. Instruments, objects, light & fluids interrogate each other in the seminary-like concatenation of this probing.

HALL combines visual and tonal strategies, deconstructs them and creates minimal performative sound settings from these fragments. Each performance is a new composition for the space in which it takes place. Synthesizers, rhythm machines, flame drones, flashes of light and fragments of speech, objects, smoke and silence combine to create a semi-narrative event.

Supported by ARTist – graduate assocation of the University of Applied Arts Vienna


On View: Supersachen

Impressions from the first ANGEWANDTE ALUMNI WERKSHOP / Part of Vienna Design Week 2023

A cooperation with ARTist – Alumni Association of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Image by © Opening: 28 Sep, 18:00 / Shop Opening Hours 29-30 Sep 10:00–18:00
Image by ©
Image by ©

As part of Vienna Design Week 2023 AIL and ARTist, the alumni association of the University of Applied Arts, put up for sale a selection of works and Supersachen (awesome things) by former students.

Around 100 pieces of work – ranging from design objects, artworks, products, unique pieces and small editions – from 41 alumni were presented in this pop up shop project.

Image by ©
Image by ©
Image by ©
Image by ©

The leading questions are: What do former students work on these days? What ‘treasure’ do you want to take with you? Which Angewandte souvenir could you pick? Where do special editions, unique items, test products and side projects end up? Which works of art are in search of a new home and might be the cornerstones of a new and singular art and design collection?

Image by ©
Image by ©
Image by © From the Opening Night on 28 Sep 2023

With contributions by:

Georg Adam, Zeynep Aksöz und Mark Balzar, Sonja Bischur, Laura Dominici, Lara Erel, Bernhard Faiss, Juliane Fink, Max Freund, Jakob Glasner, Simone Göstl (sicago), Martin Grödl & Moritz Resl (Process Studio), Theresa Hattinger, Anna Holly (hollyaroh), Norma Kiskan, Matthias Krinzinger, Daniela Kröhnert (DARK), Ivana Lazić, Julia Neckel, Silvia Pachler, Wolfgang M. Pachler, Nayeun Park, Kerstin Pfleger und Peter Paulhart (Reduce Design), Johanna Pichlbauer, Simon Platzgummer, Jakob Posch (Aito), Katja Protchenko, Mona Rith, Hedwig Rotter, Simon Sailer, Georg Sampl, Emanuel Scheib, Laura Schreiber, Vanessa Schreiner, Alessia Scuderi, Raphael Volkmer und Max Scheidl, zusammen mit Julian Jankovic und Florian Schäfer (FANTOPLAST), Astrid Seme, Szidonia Szep, Tanja Taborin, Valerie Tiefenbacher, Vera Wiedermann, Bettina Willnauer, Petra Zimmermann, Sicc.Zine (Lukas Brunner, Merlin Dickie Marlene Heidinger, Silvia Knödlstorfer, Lenz Mosbacher, Miryana Sarandeva)

This ‘Werkshop’ is supposed to act as a blueprint for similar future editions that will take place on a regular basis and might become an integral part of the University of Applied Arts.

All images: Paul Pibernig

Project management and concept:

Edda Thürriedl, Eva Weber

Display Architecture: Wolfgang Fiel

Graphic Design Display: Atelier Dreibholz


Exhibition View: Toxic Temple

A processual exhibition by Kilian Jörg and Anna Lerchbaumer from 2020

Alumni in Residence / Hosted by ARTist – Alumniverein der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien

installation view | Image by ©
installation view | Image by ©
installation view | Image by ©
installation view | Image by ©
opening performance | Image by ©
installation view | Image by ©

Leached soils, acidified seas, polluted atmospheres. We are haunted by the repressed. We can no longer escape its poison. LET’S GET SICK WITH IT!

A shrine for the inner contradictions, absurdities and risks we are indulging into on a daily basis. A solidarization with the facts.

We enter wastelands instead of unspoiled soil and let the artifacts speak for themselves. Colourful assemblages of things that connect the known cosmos, shaky grounds of new divinity and acrid smells that carry us into the sublime. Landfills are the new temples. In a sadistic manner we inhale the here and now. Transformative forces are released. Free radicals. Rituals to unmask the chaos beneath the smooth surface.

What changes when we religiously worship the power of toxicity? Can a cosmic connection be achieved in our time of disaster through a cult of pollution?

In a processual exhibition, Anna Lerchbaumer and Kilian Jörg venerate the beauty of the oil stains, the sublimity of technoscrap, the enlightenment of radioactivity and the transcendence of extinction. Perhaps our new gods will be smelly zombies. LET`S MEET AT THE END OF THE WORLD and let’s dance in the intoxication of poisoning!

Kilian Jörg is a philosopher and artist, nomadically traveling between Vienna, Berlin and Brussels. He is the founder of the collective philosophy unbound and is mainly concerned with ecological epistemology, as well as the transdisciplinary interfaces between philosophy and art. Latest publications: with Jorinde Schulz: The Club Machine (Berghain), Textem 2018; Backlash - Essays on the Resilience of Modernity, Textem Spring 2020.

Sound and video artist Anna Lerchbaumer ( *1989 in Innsbruck, Austria) takes a humorous as well as critical approach to our technological developments. Anna creates sound performances and expansive installations in which sculptural aspects play an important role. She spans a field between visual art, music and performance. Objects become instruments, balloons become performers, and field recordings become spatial installations.

An examination of the monstrous hopes we project into new technologies and an exploration of the artistic possibilities they offer. It makes the poetic audible and visible in the everyday and the inconspicuous. A change of perspective, a desecration of electrical devices and a way to loop around the big findings.

Shaped by country air, technology and culture in constant exchange with friends, things and artists as well as a member of Anulla. Her work has been shown at the Galaxy Museum in China, Headquarters and Krinzinger Projects in Vienna, among others.

Photos: Anna Lerchbaumer, Eva Weber, Eleni Boutsika Palles


Alumni in Residence: What’s inside a Girl?

Concert by Barbis Ruder, alumnus of the Brigitte Kowanz class, together with Roman Gerold and Joshua Korn

Hosted in 2016 by ARTist – the graduate association of the University of Applied Arts Vienna

Together, Barbis Ruder, alumnus of the Brigitte Kowanz class, Roman Gerold and Joshua Korn form the band What’s Inside a Girl:

‘They tease their audience with violin and Casio plastic sounds as well as electronic beats. This trio from Vienna is like a pirate space ship cruising the pop cultural cosmos and visiting the planets of New Wave, Punk, Easy Listening, Grunge and Electro to take whatever material they need for their captivating songs. No corner of the music universe is safe from them. They plunder the banal, kitschy and beautiful and turn it into pure musical gold.’


Opening: 22 Jun 2020, 11:00

Running: 22 Jun 2020 – 23 Jul 2020

May I introduce: Alien!

Depressed monkeys and sensitive dodos

Whether Bacteria, plants, humans or other animals – aliens welcome!

Our interactive exhibition invites you to explore our ALIEN universe! Take a look at the projects of contributing artists Solmaz Farhang, Alexandra Fruhstorfer, Ege Kökel, Lena Violetta Leitner and Andrea Palašti through different lenses of observation.

Image by ©

We share with you why migrated plants have to register at the integration centre and why it is a scandal that depressed orangutans do not possess e-cards. And that our houses are not equipped barrier-free for raccoons and pigs is simply outrageous!

In our exhibition we build entanglements across the borders

The exhibition was accompanied by a series of online talks, AILien Talk zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. All talks were held in English.

Watch the talks here:

Von träumenden Fischen im Reagenzglas…

Von Frauchen zu Herrchen – wer ist hier das Haustier?

Serbische Affen und Japanische Knöteriche – hier spricht man Deutsch!

An Online Exhibition

Whether Bacteria, plants, humans or other animals – aliens welcome!

Open to all species.

May I introduce: Alien! is a project by Alexandra Fruhstorfer and Lena Violetta Leitner in collaboration with Angewandte Innovation Lab in AIL.alternate mode.

It was featured as a part of the Angewandte Festival.

Alexandra Fruhstorfer and Lena Violetta Leitner are alumni of Angewandte.


Alumni in Residence: Die großen Ferien

hosted by ARTist – the graduate association of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, from 2016 (in German)

Performance by art collective of childish people, including former Media Art students David Kleinl & Herwig Steiner

Die Großen Ferien is an art collective of childish people, including former Media Art students David Kleinl & Herwig Steiner, whose mission it is to produce live audio sessions of old radio plays for kids.

Their highly anti-academic approach and eye for detail uses voice, sounds and music to reenact like there’s no tomorrow.

The two self-proclaimed farce actors Steiner and Kleinl will always be joined on stage by ‘real’ star actors, who are happy to be part of this buffoonery.

Fairy tale retelling or action loaded He-Man recording, Die Großen Ferien have been able to win over audiences in such different setting as galleries, concert halls, lake promenades or cinemas since 2012.


Exhibition View: Print Weekend III

Self-Publishing Fair from 2018

Hosted and curated by Micro-publishing house Soybot

entrance with open book boards | Image by ©
Wall with posters and prints | Image by ©
Huge publication by Max Freund | Image by ©
full house and lots of discussions | Image by ©
sellers reading their books | Image by ©
many guests in the space | Image by ©
seller behind his desk | Image by ©

Döner Club, Franz the lonely Austrionaut, House Books, Hurrican Press, Kudla Werkstatt, Look back and laugh, MCSV, Poverty, Riso Paradiso, Soybot, uganda maszage books, Zina, and many more.

Print Weekend III: In Austria±s talent-crushing-machinery Vienna, we will host a special event on 24–25 Mar 2018. The focus will be on self-help comics and coaching illustrations. Together, we will immerse ourselves in the cozy world of color gradients, lost between self-publishing therapy and cosmic bodies, grasping for a sense of self, drinks included.

UFO tourism and Riso print self-help group Soybot Brittenau will curate – boys and girls, prints and pleasure. Come and join us!

Curated by: Soybot

Concept and project management: Eva Weber

Photos: Ludschi