AIL is an experimental space in which interdisciplinary practices and thought experiments are made possible in order to shape the present and future together.
Our program, our vision
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) broadcasts the research landscape of the University of Applied Arts Vienna (‘die Angewandte’). The projects in AIL’s program investigate current societal issues and encourage the development of new ideas and concepts. Which tools can artistic practices develop to meet the challenges our society faces today? What can artists, designers, activists, teachers, farmers and everyone else offer to create a well-functioning present and a future worth living?
The program, curated by the heads of AIL and the Executive Board, is based on research projects affiliated with the University of Applied Arts Vienna or on collaborations with external partners. As an important link between the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the general public sphere, AIL makes current projects at the university accessible to the public, connects them to other fields of knowledge and science and makes the university’s organizational and content-related resources available to all interested parties.
Located in the heart of former Postsparkasse
In spring 2021, after seven years at the Franz Josefs Kai 3, AIL moved to the former Postsparkasse – a historic landmark designed by architect Otto Wagner – thus joining other departments of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and a newly emerging neighborhood comprising several research institutions from the field of art and science. The new location, at Georg-Coch-Platz 2, is in close proximity to the other two main buildings of the University of Applied Arts Vienna – Oskar Kokoschka Platz and Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7.
The new location provides the opportunity to further expand and strengthen networks for interdisciplinary work and research on an area of about 300 square meters, divided into three rooms on the mezzanine floor, with Café Exchange and the former Kassenhalle (banking hall) as its centerpiece.
Neither a museum, nor a gallery – think of AIL as a stage for ideas and formats, a flexible organism
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab is a space and a platform for projects at the intersection of art, science and artistic research. Founded in 2014 by the University of Applied Arts Vienna as an initiative by former Rector Gerald Bast, it was launched to enable exchange among different disciplines and to open up art and artistic research. AIL is dedicated to facilitating dialogue between all visitors and participants as well as various fields of knowledge and connects partners from the fields of science, arts, design, research with the resources of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
AIL is a source of inspiration, a place for exchange
AIL makes space for a broad variety of projects, such as multidisciplinary exhibitions, curated talks and discussions, symposia, lectures, concerts and performances as well as public experiments and informal meetings, exploring crucial and future-oriented topics to make them available to an interested public and community. Originally called Angewandte Innovation Lab, AIL relaunched as Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab in 2022 to put interdisciplinarity at the forefront as its main approach and way of acting and thinking.
Hello Café Exchange! Specialty coffee, topped with vivid discourse culture
With Café Exchange, AIL opens up not only the program but continues to consolidate the intersection between the University and the public. Following the spirit of Wiener Salon, this is a place to exchange thoughts, knowledge, visions and utopias – to meet and network, linger over great drinks from master coffeemaker Alexander Afrough while experiencing sound and artistic performances and installations or listening to talks and lectures from the curated program.
Unless otherwise stated all events at AIL are with free entry and no registration is needed.
Our program, our vision
Testing PDF
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