
Exhibition View: Showing Echoes

From counter to encounter / Part of Angewandte Festival 2024

Elisabeth Falkensteiner and Nora Mayr in cooperation with departments from the Postsparkasse building

Image by © Canal Dipping Community, 2024 / Malak Hamadeh, Egor Safronov, Sarah Zelt from the department Transformation Studies. Art x Science
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Image by © Decisions, 2024 / Final thesis of the Bachelor graduates from the department Cross-Disciplinary Strategies
Image by © Eco-Circuitry: Moss and Machine, 2024 / Catalina Escalona / Image created using a deep generative artificial neural network together with the Coding Lab
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Image by © Portal, 2024 / Clara Hirschmanner, Georg Luif, Margarete Jahrmann from the department of Experimental Game Cultures
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Image by © Pseudomorphia, 2024 / Rage from the department of Digitale Kunst
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Image by © Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire / Sophie Olivia Taleja Schmidt, Márton Zalka from the department of Art&Science
Image by © huānyíng noise, 2024 (Megaphone) / Maria Bürger, Olivia Cavallari, Famkje Elgersma, Marcus Kautz, Mirjam Kislinger from the department IPSD / International Programmes in Sustainable Developments — Open Stage, 2024 (Projector) / from Angewandte Performance Lab

In the heart of the former postal savings bank, the AIL interweaves references to the themes and questions addressed in the exhibitions and projects of the various classes and departments housed within Otto Wagner's building during the Angewandte Festival 2024.

Students and members of the various departments (Digital Arts, Art & Science, Angewandte Performance Lab, Peter Weibel Institute, Art&Science School for Transformation, Coding Lab, Experimental Game Cultures, Global Challenges and Sustainable Development) show snippets, add-ons or playful hints of the main exhibition in their calssrooms. They provide concentrated insights into artistic discussions and methodologies, offering a comprehensive view of the contributions throughout the building.

All images: Hannah Mayr