
Häuser aus Abfall

Die Architekturforscherin Mae-ling Lokko, vertreten in der Ausstellung ‘Ecologies and Politics of the Living’, beschäftigt sich mit Abfallprodukten aus der Landwirtschaft. Ein Artikel im Standard

Zum Artikel in Der Standard, 6.6.2021
Ecologies and Politics of the Living
28 May – 3 Oct 2021
Vienna Biennale for Change 2021

Coconut fibre wall 26° North and South (2015–16), designed and produced by Mae-ling Lokko. Part of the current AIL-exhibition Ecologies and Politics of the Living | Image by ©Lea Fabienne Dörl 26° North and South (2015–16), designed and produced by Mae-ling Lokko with AMBIS Tech, CASE-RPI and e2e Materials team, is part of the current AIL-exhibition Ecologies and Politics of the Living