
Klima Biennale 2024

Reverse Imagining Vienna. Anthropogenic Mass and Its Speculative Futures / Energy At the Threshold of the Visible World

Exhibtion Openings 30 Apr, 19:00 and 3 May, 19:00

Image by ©

With the vision and innovative power of art, the Klima Biennale Wien spurs the paradigm shift toward a livable and sustainable future on our planet. The key tools to achieve this objective are, without doubt, participation, collaboration, and awareness. The Biennale will stake out viable responses to the climate crisis together with the people of Vienna. 

The Klima Biennale Wien faces the challenge of making the highly complex and acute issues of global change, the climate crisis, species extinction, and the impacts on the human-nature fabric visible and tangible for everyone: because we urgently need to find new ways of sharing knowledge and discussing strategies together! 

The profound and sweeping changes in the Earth’s system necessitate a duly holistic debate. Therefore, the concept and working method of the Biennale focus on multiperspectivity: we see the future as a shared design task and claim a space for reconciling different and sometimes contradictory positions. Precisely such frictions are fertile ground for transformations in society. 

In its exhibitions, in public spaces or as part of the festival programme, the Klima Biennale Wien brings together current positions from the fields of international contemporary art, design, architecture and science that point the way to socially and ecologically just world relations. Based on the principles of care and sustainability, the Biennale proposes concrete alternatives by questioning turbo-capitalist concepts and overcoming patriarchal and colonial paradigms in favour of collective, inclusive and common-good strategies.

As part of Klima Biennale AIL presents two exhibitions:

Reverse Imagining Vienna. Anthropogenic Mass and Its Speculative Futures

Exhibition Opening: 30 Apr, 19:00

Ann Cotten, Elias Hirschl, Jakob Pretterhofer, Julia Grillmayr, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Neslihan Yakut, Nika Pfeifer, Veronika Franz & Severin Fiala

Angelika Psenner, Barbara Laa, Filipa L. Sousa, Fridolin Krausmann, Jan Zalasiewicz, Johannes Weber, Josepha Edbauer, Michael Wagreich, Peter Fichtinger, Sebastian Hafner, Tanja Traxler, Tess Posch

Project management and sculpure:
Christoph Weber, Nikolaus Eckhard

Reading Nights (starting 18:30)

8 May with Jakob Pretterhofer, Fiston Mwanza Mujila

with performance by Nikolaus Eckhard and friends afterwards

15 May with Julia Grillmayr, Nika Pfeifer

22 May with Neslihan Yakut, Ann Cotten

29 May with Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, Elias Hirschl

Energy At the Threshold of the Visible World

Exhibition Opening: 3 May, 19:00

With works by Hubert Dobler, Exikon, Barbara Kapusta, Mathias Kessler, Galo Patricio Moncayo Asan and Michael Wang. 

The exhibition was conceptualized and organized by Tülay Atak and Bernhard Sommer with Galo Patricio Moncayo Asan, Malgorzata Sommer-Nawara, Florian Zeif and Daniil Zhiltsov, and with graphic design by Annija Česka

Related event: In conjunction with the exhibition, the symposium building Environments: Architectural Theory beyond a Changing Climate will take place on 3 May at Auditorium, Vordere Zollamtsstr. 7. Find all info here

Image by ©

Opening hours:
Mon–Fri: 11:00–18:00
Extra Saturday: 4 May, 10:00–18:00