
Let’s meet: CeMM – Research Center for Molecular Medicine

Research Presentations from 2016

AIL reaching out into other institutions and fields of research

CeMM – Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences is an interdisciplinary research institute committed to advancing the understanding of human diseases through basic and biomedical research.

Located at the center of the campus of the Medical University of Vienna, CeMM fosters a highly collaborative and interactive research mindset. Focusing on medically relevant questions, CeMM researchers concentrate on human biology and diseases like cancer and inflammation/immune disorders. In support of scientific pursuits and medical needs, CeMM provides access to cutting-edge technologies and has established a strategic interest in precision medicine.

CeMM is a cauldron for new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches which currently holds several patents and is establishing spin-off companies. CeMM is a founding member of the EU-LIFE network and represents Austria in the alliance of 13 top research centers in life sciences, which has been established to support and strengthen European research excellence.