AIL has been an interdisciplinary platform at the intersection of art, science and research since its foundation in 2014. AIL supports the realization of projects which highlight the in-between spaces that are the result of the interplay of different disciplines. Experiencing, understanding, learning and unlearning as well as rethinking relationships and interactions play a crucial part in making AIL a flexible and open space.
With its first artistic research project AIL is breaking new ground and combining and applying expert knowledge in new ways.
SENSING LIVING SYSTEMS was initiated by Jeanette Müller & Paul Divjak (MUELLER-DIVJAK), the artistic masterminds behind the project. Their artistic skills lead the way, but also them being fully committed to inclusive thinking and to bringing people, cultures and disciplines together for this endeavor shape the project in a unique way and create a special environment to develop new methods.
Alexandra Graupner, head of Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab, is the project manager, drawing on her experience in the conception and implementation of interdisciplinary, artistic projects with experimental processes leading to unexpected outcomes.
Anna Maria Irgang supports and acts as an important feedback loop in her role as research assistant. Her knowledge in the field of innovation development makes things spark and keeps the often complex processes and schedules of the individual study phases together.
SENSING LIVING SYSTEMS is a project that is fed by different expertise, ranges of experience and individual world views. It is not only nourished by an interdisciplinary approach, but is also largely based on the intercultural backgrounds of various project partners and collaborators:
BCSSS – Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Sciences: Alexander Laszlo (BCSSS Board President, Professor of Systems Science & Curated Emergence based in Buenos Aires), Felix Tretter (BCSSS Vice President, psychiatrist and systems scientist based in Munich and Vienna), Stefan Blachfellner (Managing Director of the BCSSS, Secretary General of the International Federation for Systems Research, Innovator, Entrepreneur)
NHM – Natural History Museum Vienna: Iris Ott (Head of science communication), Ines Méhu-Blantar (Head of Deck50, Innovationhub and Stakeholder Engagement)
BAAN NOORG Collaborative Arts and Culture: jiandyin (Jiradej and Pornpilai Meemalai, collaborative interdisciplinary artists and curators based in Ratchaburi, Thailand)
Sodja Zupanc-Lotker (Dramaturg, teaches dramaturgy and runs master studies at DAMU KALD in Prague)
Zun Ei Phyu (Conceptual artist and medical doctor based in Yangon, Myanmar)
Bernhard Fleischmann (Composer and live performer of electronic music, based in Vienna)
Ulrich Gottlieb (Physical theater performer and choreographer, Tai-Chi-Chuan Master, teaching at Chulalongkorn University Bangkok)
Maya Galimidi (Founder of ‘Empower with Nature’, serves as an International Ambassador for the Global Ecovillage Network formerly based in the Negev Desert in Israel, now in Istanbul)
Serigne Mor “Mara” Niang (Conceptual artist and PhD Researcher based in Vienna)
Anita Lung (Organizational Consultant, Sociologist based in Vienna)
Claus Seibt (Transformation and Systems Researcher based in Basel)
Elke Kies (Entrepeneur and inventor in the field of olfaction, MagicBox)
Jens Badura (Philosopher and cultural manager, teaches and researches at the Zurich University of the Arts, Visiting professor, social and business communication program at the UdK Berlin)
Taras Komisaruk (Creative Consultant, Smell Enthusiast and ‘Hallabudda-Expert’ formerly based in Ukraine, now in Vienna)
Oksana Lemishka (Sociologist of Media and Culture and ‘Hallabudda-Expert’ formerly based in Ukraine, now in Vienna)
Taratawan “Tuntun” Krue-On (Musician, composer, multimedia artist based in Bangkok and London)
Advisory Board:
Maholo Uchida (Senior curator, Miraikan National Museum of Emerging Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan)
Bettina Leidl (Director of MQ / MuseumsQuartier Vienna)
Loredana Pazzini-Paracciani (Curator, Bangkok Art Biennale 2022, writer, lecturer of Southeast Asian contemporary art)
Sakarin Krue-On (Artist, professor at Silpakorn University Bangkok, co-founder of Baan Noorg Collaborative Arts & Culture)
Alexander Laszlo (see BCSSS)
Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (Initiator of theVienna Biennale for Change and Vienna Climate Biennale, Director General for International Cultural Relations at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria)