AIL is an experimental space in which interdisciplinary practices and thought experiments are made possible.
AIL broadcasts the research landscape of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Send us a proposal of your interdisciplinary project – all research stages are welcome!
What kind of projects take place at AIL? Who can participate?
Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) is the platform for art, science and artistic research of the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Focus points of the wide ranging program of the AIL include interdisciplinary artistic research projects that bring together expertise from different fields, investigate current societal issues, create new event formats and/or encourage the development of original ideas, critical thinking and innovative processes of knowledge production.
The aim of the AIL is to foster connections within the Angewandte, but also to facilitate dialogue from inside the university to the outside, therefore not only showcasing interdisciplinary work, but beyond this, strengthen the potential of interdisciplinarity in general.
As part of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, AIL focuses on supporting university alumni, doctoral students and artistic research teams who are involved in interdisciplinary research projects connected to the University. Additionally, AIL facilitates a diverse series of programs realized in collaboration with various departments of the Angewandte, which match the criteria mentioned above, bringing in guests with their individual competencies from outside the University.
Furthermore, the AIL collaborates directly on projects with external professionals that reconnect on topics discussed and worked on within the university. AIL shares its expertise and experience in the realisation of interdisciplinary projects and can provide access to the university’s organisational and content-related resources.
Artists, designers, architects, artistic researchers, scientists, technicians, activists, and professionals interested in interdisciplinary work are invited to submit a project proposal – no matter at what research stage: whether this means formulating ideas, showing the process behind the artistic research or presenting a final project.
Please be aware that AIL projects are mainly co-financed projects. Cooperation partners should provide an exhibition budget or be in the process of generating the necessary funds. AIL predominantly covers infrastructural costs, by providing the space, as well as support for communication and mediation. (See more under the services AIL offers.)
About the space:
Exhibition spaces:
AIL consists of two exhibition spaces (exhibition space 1 appr. 135 sqm and exhibition space 2 appr. 180 sqm, see floorplans). Both exhibition spaces are individually accessible and each has a one window front. Additionally, each area has a smaller space that can function as a black box area. Depending on the size of the project as well as the overall AIL exhibition schedule, either one or both spaces can be booked.
Cashier hall:
The former cashier hall of the Postsparkasse is a multifunctional area of AIL. The cashier hall is a public space that serves as a connection point to our exhibition areas and is also the permanent home to the Café Exchange (opening hours: Mon–Fri 9:00 –17:30 / Sat: 10:30 –17:00 (closed on public holidays)). AIL hosts events such as talks, performances, readings or presentations in addition to curated temporary art interventions in this space, for example a showcase area with a selection of Angewandte publications.
Public events can run concurrently with the café’s operations, but should not disturb the café visitors. Please note that during café opening hours the cashier hall can get noisy. If a quiet and concentrated atmosphere is required for an event, we suggest starting from 6 pm onwards (after Café Exchange is closed). Evening events that extend beyond 10 pm require additional payments for porter overtime.
What services does AIL offer?
In the case of a successful application, the AIL infrastructure and facilities will be available for use free of charge and the project will be realised with the support of the AIL team. However, the scope and intensity of staffing and financial support varies from project to project. All further conditions regarding funding, resources and personnel support will be clarified in meetings with the AIL team.
AIL functions as an entity of the University and therefore differs in its structural setting from other art institutions. This means that AIL does not hold its own technical exhibition team, or a department for audience mediation. Within collaborations AIL provides its spaces, existing equipment and furniture, as well as expertise in the field of curating, project management and communication. The exhibition and event production needs to be handled and organized by the collaborating partner in consultation with AIL.
How can I submit and realise an exhibition or an event? Which documents are required?
Exhibitions are generally programmed 1 year in advance and events around 6 months. Therefore we recommend contacting Team AIL as early as possible.
The Exhibition program for 2025 is already closed, applications for 2026 or later are open!
Deadline Proposals for Exhibitions
15 March 2025 (collecting projects for the first half of the year 2026)
15 August 2025 (collecting projects for the second half of the year 2026)
Deadline Proposals for Events at the Cashier Hall:
15 March 2025 (for upcoming Autumn/ Winter semester Sept – February 2025/26)
15 November 2025 (for upcoming events during the Summer semester March – June 2026)
Proposals are discussed and approved by the AIL Executive Board. It is the project content as well as connection and relevance for the Angewandte or possible current topic foci of AIL that determines whether or not an event will take place at AIL.
A project proposal must include:
— time outline, space requirements and a budget
— name of collaborators, including CVs and relevant urls of the main people responsible
— a short project description
As orientation you might answer the following questions within your proposal: Why is AIL the right place for your project? How is your project interdisciplinary? Which connection is there to Angewandte or which connection do you seek to create by showing your project at AIL? What are the main subjects and questions in your project?
— Project proposals should not exceed 5 pages and be max. 10 MB
— Please send all project applications to info address:
If you have any questions relating to a specific area of expertise, you can find a list of our team members here.
Photos from 2014 – 2021 © Alicia Pawlczak, Bengt Stiller, Birgit und Peter Kainz, Claudio Farkasch, Edward Chapon, Eva Weber, Lea Dietiker, Luca Fuchs, Martina Lajczak, Peter Mayr, Serena Fanaral, Susanna Hofer, Thomas Steineder and Vicky Klug.
The Neuromatic Visuals are an extract of the Neuromatic Brainwave Broadcast, developed by Neuromatic Art Games Lab expanded Margarete Jahrmann & Thomas Wagensommerer, coop Louise Linsenbolz, Georg Luif, Stefan Glasauer. An Area7lab production.