
10 Years of AIL

Collecting futures since 2014

With the AIL, the Angewandte has created a unique platform that provides insights into diverse projects and stimulating endeavors, behind which there are exciting and often unexpected things to discover. Over the past 10 years the relationship between art and science and the potential of interdisciplinarity has been explored, and artistic research of the University of Applied Arts Vienna has been made accessible to a wide audience. Together we look back on ten years in which very different formats have been tried out and successfully implemented.

‘A whole array of interests and expectations is inscribed in academic and artistic processes. But does living up to them constitute a so-called success or achievement? Are there any alternatives, can we expect the unexpected? Self-reflection, self-denial, withdrawal? Focus? Distraction? Might it be for this reason that it’s all about creating a new place of possibilities, as inclusive as possible but as restrictive as need be? Let’s (still) be surprised, let’s take the risk of innovation, let’s expect the unexpected.’

These were the introductory words at the opening of the AIL on October 20, 2014. Ten years ago AIL opened at Franz Josefs Kai 3 under the name Angewandte Innovation Laboratory with the intention of creating a unique place of connection that makes art visible as a driving force for innovation, to provide insight into the activities of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, to foster the link between art and science; between inside and outside. This intention has always been reflected in a diverse program. Like a laboratory, theses have been put to the test, and exhibitions have often reflected processes or even changed with their duration.

Sometimes the AIL, with its ambitious and unique undertaking, was not easy to grasp: a satellite that flies into other institutions, explores, mediates, collects information, opens to the outside, connects inside – at the same time a magnifying glass, a petri dish, a color palette, a growing toolbox, a lounge, a white board, a White Cube.

Neither a museum, nor a gallery – think of AIL as a stage for ideas and formats, a flexible organism

Since its inception, the AIL has presented a variety of formats, bringing into the building collaborative partners from academia and other disciplines. The aim has been to provide insights and connections through a range of multidisciplinary exhibitions, curated talks and discussions, symposia, lectures, concerts and performances, as well as public experiments and informal gatherings, exploring crucial and forward-looking issues.

Looking through the dense program of the last 10 years, it seems impossible to make an eloquent summary or overview. You can find most of AIL's talks on Vimeo, or dive deeper into the past and EXPLORE HERE from exhibition views to interviews and podcast episodes, from collected topics to the latest news.

Early days at AIL: Through performances, talks, discussions performer Daniel Aschwanden and media artist Conny Zenk made us aware of the ways in which new interface cultures replace traditional communication in their project [Bastard] Crowd mobile Seems forever ago, thinking now on latest developments around KI.

Image by © Johan Lorbeer, Tarzan / Standbein. Performance as part of Vienna Biennale 2015. Photo: eSeL

From the first edition of Vienna Biennale in 2015: Public Art can be beneficial to the functioning of democracy. The public, as in the public space, has always been an important medium alongside the evolution of the press and parliament. Do we need a new edition of Performing Public Art?

Post Doc Janina Loh giving us insight into her research and rich field of knowledge: When we think about the digital future as well as new values, the feminist view must not be missing. Where do patriarchal inscriptions, gender identities or stereotyping hide in the field of artificial intelligence and future technologies? (June 2019, in German)

In 2022/23 together with the department of Media Theory, AIL present lectures, talks and performances, mainly from the field of digital cultures, circling around the topic of ‘Decolonizing Technology’. Disability can be seen as a condition of possibility for AI is the main argument of the lecture by political scientist Katharina Klappheck followed by a dialogue with Katta Spiel (January 2023 in German)

Image by © AIL with Café Exchange at the center of Otto Wagner Postsparkasse during Angewandte Festival 2022. Photo: Lea Dörl

Constant change

In spring 2021, after seven years at the Franz Josefs Kai 3, AIL moved to the former Postsparkasse – a historic landmark designed by architect Otto Wagner – thus joining other departments of the University of Applied Arts Vienna and a newly emerging neighborhood comprising several research institutions from the field of art and science. The new location provides the opportunity to further expand and strengthen networks for interdisciplinary work and research on an area of about 300 square meters, divided into three rooms on the mezzanine floor, with Café Exchange and the former Kassenhalle (banking hall) as its centerpiece.

Furthermore AIL relaunched as Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab in 2022 to put interdisciplinarity at the forefront as its main approach and way of acting and thinking. What innovation and interdisciplinary have in common is breaking new ground, finding new approaches, creating connections where you might not expect them. It is and remains the aim of the AIL to promote critical and creative thinking. These times call for a space to get together, mix up ideas, put heads together, get in contact and exchange thoughts, knowledge, visions and utopias.

The new AIL Board with Dr. Petra Schaper Rinkel (Rector), Univ.-Prof. Julienne Lorz (Head of Expanded Museum Studies), Univ.-Prof. art. Bernhard Kleber (Head of Bühnen- und Filmgestaltung), Mag.a phil. Alexandra Graupner (Head of AIL), Mag.a phil. Elisabeth Falkensteiner (Head of AIL), Dr.phil. Alexander Damianisch MAS (Head of Support Kunst Forschung) explores AIL’s future with new impulses since 2024. Drawing on the wealth of knowledge of the University of Applied Arts we will develop new ideas and further strengthen the AIL as a unique platform. This fall, we are launching the talk series ‘Im Dialog’, which will introduce professors from the University of Applied Arts Vienna. We look forward to exciting and inspiring discussions!

A big thank you to all colleagues, artists, researchers, scientists, partners and guests who have been part of the last 10 years and who have accompanied and shaped the idea and vision of the AIL with their curiosity, energy, flexibility and openness.

Hip hip hurra!

Preview image: Performance by Team Tool Time (Paul Divjak & Wolfgang Schlögl) from the opening night. Photo: Lea Dörl